The 15th ICMSEM Held online in August 2- August 3, 2021, in Toledo, Spain
2021-08-19 Click:3081The 15th ICMSEM Held online in August 2- August 3, 2021, in Toledo, Spain
The 15th International Conference on Management Science and Engineering Management (ICMSEM), organized by International Society of Management Science and Engineering Management (ISMSEM) and co-organized by Ingenium Research Group, University of Castilla-La Mancha(UCLM) and Sichuan University, was held online from Aug. 2 to Aug. 3, 2021.
u Opening Ceremony and Award
The manager of Ingenium Research Group, University of Castilla-La Mancha, Dr. Isaac Segovia Ramírez hosted the opening ceremony of the 15th ICMSEM on Aug. 2, 2021, at 09:00 am (Spanish time). On behalf of the co-organizers, the Chancellor at University of Castilla-La Mancha, Prof. Jose Julian Garde López-Brea, the Vice-Chancellor at University of Castilla-La Mancha, Prof. Antonio Mas López and the General Director of Universities, Research and Innovation, Castilla-La Mancha Government, Prof. Ricardo Cuevas Campos gave the warm welcomes to the university and most sincere wishes for a successful meeting.
The general chair and the president of ISMSEM, Prof. Dr. Dr. Jiuping Xu at Sichuan University, presented the sincere appreciation to the co-organizers for their perfect work, the warm welcome to all conference participants.
The Director of Ingenium Group, European doctor, Prof. Fausto Pedro García Márquez at Spain, expressed the sincere thanks to all the participants for their contributions to the academic research, as well as to all the members who had worked hard to prepare for the conference.
The 2021 Advancement Prize for MSEM was also awarded during the opening ceremony. The prizes were rigorously selected from the recognized 126 full papers as valid entries from 682 submissions by 19 jury board consisting of Algeria, Australia, Azerbaijan, Canada, China, Egypt, France, India, Japan, Laos, Moldova, New Zealand, Pakistan, Serbia, Spain, Sweden, Turkey, the USA and the UK. It was observed that some of the submissions have a team of researchers from both developed as well as developing countries.
2021 ISMSEM Prize
Prize | Winner | Title of Paper | Photo |
Grand Prize | Diego Ortega Sanz, Carlos Quiterio Gomez Muñoz Fausto Pedro García Márquez | Engineering Management for Fault Detection System Using Convolutional Neural Networks |
Runners-up Prize | Zongmin Li, Ye Zhao, Asaf Hajiyev | Multi-criteria Evaluation of Rumor Refuting Platform’s Refuting Capacity with Hesitant Fuzzy Judgments |
Asiye Ozge Dengiz, Fulya Altiparmak, Imdat Kara, Kumru Didem Atalay, Ismail Karaoglan | A Mathematical Model for Multi-trip Home Health Care Routing Problem with Time Windows |
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Nominated Prize | Hiroyuki Kawabe, Yuko Shimomura, Shuichi Seto | Braille Translation System Using Neural Machine Translation Technology Ⅱ– Code Conversion of Kana-Kanji Mixed Sentences | |
Huda Al-Wahsh, Sayed Ejaz Ahmed, Abdulkadir Hussein Ruiz-Hernández | A Bivariate Poisson Time Series of Counts with Two Latent Autoregressive Processes |
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Amanjeet Singh Bhatia, Rado Kotorov, Lianhua Chi | Quality Analysis Using Motif Discovery in Small Data Sets |
u Keynote Address Presentations
Eleven keynote speakers from Sudan, the UK, Moldova, the USA, China, Japan, Turkey, Azerbajan and Spain have given the plenary reports on Aug. 2 and Aug. 3.
In view of the understandings on management science and engineering management, these keynote speakers stated the frontiers of their research, which triggered a heated discussion among the participants.
● Mohamed Hag Ali Hassan “Role of Science and Engineering Innovations in Transforming Food Systems in Developing Countries” | ● Mistuo Gen “Recent Advances in Hybrid Heuristic Algorithms for Multiobjective Flexible Job-shop Scheduling Problems” |
● Adolfo Crespo “Digital and Intelligent Maintenance Management. Examples in Critical Infrastructure in Spain” | ● Zongmin Li “Big Data-driven Precise Governance of Online Rumors” |
● Mayorkinos Papaelias “The value of Inspection and Condition Monitoring for Effective Maintenance of Critical Industrial Assets” | ● Fausto Pedro García Márquez “Renewable Energy and Artificial Intelligence Outlook” |
● Gheorghe Duca “Design and SMART Objectives System in the Management of Research Projects” | ● Asaf Hajiyev “Kolmogorov Stories” |
● Benjamin Lev “My Experience as EIC of OMEGA” | ● Fulya Altiparmak “An Overview of Home Health Care Logistics Problems” |
● Rado Kotorov “Keeping an Open Mind and Seeking New Horizons in ML and AI” |
u Forum
This conference also included forum focusing on “Development on Management Science in Engineering 2020” on Aug. 2.
At the forum, Prof. Ziqiang Zeng(China) presented a Scientific journal report announcement entitled "Development on Management Science in Engineering 2020--Perspectives from Scientific Journal Report". The report mainly covers that a three-dimensional evaluation framework from the perspective of influence factors, including article citations, academic community, and publishing platform is developed to realize the goal of making an objective and comprehensive evaluation for the academic performance of the journal. The changes and trends of the number of journals in different engineering domains are analyzed based on the data from 2017 to 2020.
Then, experts in various fields offer their opinions and promote topics about their areas of interest for discussion.
Finally, questions from the audience were discussed by all the editors.
All talks were well discussed in detail with workshop attendees, who came from China, the USA, Spain, Moldova and so on.
u Parallel Sessions
This conference included 4 parallel sessions, wherein scholars from Sichuan University and other international institutes contribute their 10-15 minutes presentations. All sessions were well attended with periods of intensive after presentation exchanges, an indication of the scientific interest in the various developments and trends of big data, enterprise innovation, supply chains, information technology and uncertainty in the management science and engineering management sector.
u Conference Proceedings
The conference proceedings were published as a Springer Proceedings Book with ISBN. This proceedings volume includes the full papers of the communications presented at the conference, which underwent a peer refereeing process.