Keynote speakers

Prof. Mohamed Hag Ali Hassan
President of The World Academy of Sciences
Professor Mohamed Hag Ali Hassan is President of The World Academy of Sciences (TWAS), Italy; President of the Sudanese National Academy of Sciences (SNAS); Chairman of the Governing Council of the United Nations Technology Bank, Turkey and Chairman of the International Advisory Board of the Centre for International Development (ZEF), Germany. He was Professor and Dean of the School of Mathematical Sciences, University of Khartoum; President of the InterAcademy Partnership (IAP); founding Executive Director of TWAS; President of the African Academy of Sciences (AAS); founding President of the Network of African Science Academies (NASAC); Chairman of the Council of the United Nations University (UNU); and Chairman of the Honorary Presidential Advisory Council for Science and Technology, Nigeria.
Among his honours: Comendator, Grand Cross, and National Order of Scientific Merit, Brazil; and Officer, Order of Merit of the Italian Republic. He is a recipient of the G77 Leadership Award and the Abdus Salam Medal for Science and Technology.
He is a member of several merit-based academies of science, which include, TWAS, AAS, the academy of Sciences of South Africa; the Pontifical Academy of Sciences and Hassan II Academy of Science and Technology

Prof. Adolfo Crespo
Full Professor at the School of Engineering of the University of Seville
Head of the Department of Industrial Management
Adolfo Crespo M rquez (PhD FISEAM) is currently Full Professor at the School of Engineering of the University of Seville, and recently Head of the Department of Industrial Management. He received the Spanish Maintenance Award 2020 from the Spanish Maintenance Association (AEM). Prof. Crespo is the author of nine books and many research publications in journals conference proceedings. He leads the Spanish Research Network on Asset management, the SIM (Sistemas Inteligentes de Mantenimiento) research group and has extensively participated in many engineering and consulting projects for different companies, for the Spanish Departments of Defense, Science and Education as well as for the European Commission(IPTS). He is the President of INGEMAN (a National Association for the Development of Maintenance Engineering in Spain) since 2002.

Prof. Fausto Pedro García Márquez
Full Professor of the University of Castilla-La Mancha, Spain
Honorary Senior Research Fellow at Birmingham University, UK
Fausto works at UCLM as Full Professor (Accredited as Full Professor from 2013), Spain, Honorary Senior Research Fellow at Birmingham University, UK, Lecturer at the Postgraduate European Institute, and he has been Senior Manager in Accenture (2013-2014). He obtained his European PhD with a maximum distinction. He has been distinguished with the prices: Runner Prize for Management Science and Engineering Management Nominated Prize (2020), and Advancement Prize (2018), First International Business Ideas Competition 2017 Award (2017); Runner (2015), Advancement (2013) and Silver (2012) by the International Society of Management Science and Engineering Management (ICMSEM); Best Paper Award in the international journal of Renewable Energy (Impact Factor 3.5) (2015). He has published more than 150 papers (65 % ISI, 30% JCR and 92% internationals), some recognized as: “Applied Energy” (Q1, as “Best Paper 2020”), “Renewable Energy” (Q1, as “Best Paper 2014”); “ICMSEM” (as “excellent”), “Int. J. of Automation and Computing” and “IMechE Part F: J. of Rail and Rapid Transit” (most downloaded), etc. He is author and editor of 31 books (Elsevier, Springer, Pearson, Mc-GrawHill, Intech, IGI, Marcombo, AlfaOmega,…), and 5 patents. He is Editor of 5 Int. Journals, Committee Member more than 40 Int. Conferences.

Dr. Ziqiang Zeng
Director of iDecision Lab
Department of Management Science and System Science
Business School, Sichuan University
Dr. Ziqiang Zeng, is currently an Associate Professor at Business School of Sichuan University, and an Adjunct Professor at Silberman College of Business (AACSB Accredited), Fairleigh Dickinson University. He received the B.S. degree in applied mathematics and the Ph.D. degree in management science and engineering from Sichuan University, Chengdu, China, in 2009 and 2014, respectively, and was a Visiting Scholar at University of Florida, Gainesville, FL, USA, from 2012 to 2013. He has also been a Research Associate at University of Washington, Seattle, WA, USA, from 2016 to 2019. He has been selected as a Youth Talent of the Sichuan Provincial “Ten-Thousand Talents Program”, the Reserve Candidates for Academic and Technological Leaders in Sichuan Province, the Expert of Sichuan University “Double Hundred Talents Program”, the Sichuan Overseas High-Level Talent, and reported by Scientific Chinese as the “Back Cover Person”. He is an INFORMS Member, IEEE Member, ASCE Associate Member. He has published more than 40 peer-reviewed papers in journals, such as Risk Analysis, Scientometrics, IEEE Transactions on Fuzzy Systems, Computer-aided Civil and Infrastructure Engineering, Applied Energy, Renewable Energy, Accident Analysis and Prevention, and International Journal of Project Management. He has co-authored 3 books by Elsevier, Springer, and Sichuan University Press. He has been the principle investigator of more than 10 research projects, including a research project of US Department of Transportation, two projects from National Natural Science Foundation of China, the General Program of China Postdoctoral Science Foundation, and so on. He is also the Academic Editor of PLoS ONE, and the Online Evaluation Expert of National Natural Science Foundation of China. His current research interest includes data analysis and decision making, intelligent transportation systems, and system simulation and modeling.

Prof. Gheorghe Duca
Academician, Moldavian Academy of Sciences,
President of the Chemical Society of Moldova,
Head of the Research Centre of the Physics and Inorganic Chemistry
Ph.D. of Physical Chemistry, Ph.D. of Ecological Chemistry
Gheorghe Duca is a great researcher and skilful manager of science. He is the author of 1800 publicantions, including 443 scientific papers, 166 patents and 94 monographs and textbooks. He develope several field of sciences, such as Physical Chemistry, Ecological Chemistry, Management of Water Quality, Management of Science, Academic Management, Management of Time, etc. He is an honorary and full member of the National Academy of Sciences of Kazahstan, National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine, Romanian Academy, Montenegru Academy, World Federation of Scientists, Polish Chemical Society, Central European Academy of Sciences and Arts, Moldavian Academy of Sciences, DHC Rassian Academy etc.
Prof. Benjamin Lev
PhD. of Operations Research/Management Science
Drexel University, Philadelphia PA 19104, USA
Trustee Professor, Decision Sciences Department, LeBow College of Business,
Drexel University, Philadelphia, PA 19104, USA.
Benjamin Lev is a former Vice President of Meetings for both The Institute of Management Sciences (TIMS) and the Institute for Operations Research and the Management Sciences (INFORMS) and INFORMS Fellow since 2003. Lev received degrees in mechanical and industrial engineering from Technion Israel Institute of Technology prior to pursuing a PhD at Case Western Reserve University. After earning his doctorate, Lev joined Temple University in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania; Worcester Polytechnic Institute, MA; University of Michigan Dearborn, MI and is currently a Trustee Professor at Drexel University, Philadelphia, PA. Since 2002, he has been Editor-in-Chief of OMEGA - the International Journal of Management Science; and serves on several other journal editorial boards (INFORMS JAA (formerly Interfaces), IAOR, ORPJ, Financial Innovation, OPSEARCH, IDIM, IIE-Transactions, ERRJ, INFORMS JOR).

Dr. Rado Kotorov
Ph.D. of Department of Applied Philosophy at Bowling Green State University
Co-Founder & CEO, Trendalyze Inc
Rado Korotov has 20+ years experience in data management, business intelligence (BI), and AI. He got attracted to the field during his Ph.D. studies in Decision and Game Theory at the Department of Applied Philosophy at Bowling Green State University. After graduating in 2000, he joined a rapidly growing startup that pioneered web portals, digital loyalty programs, and the first big data analytics system. In 2006, Rado joined Information Builders Inc. and collaborated closely with founder and CEO Gerry Cohen on numerous products and patented technologies. They introduced the first self-service BI tools; co-invented the first mobile BI apps; developed the first BI search product in collaboration with Google; and the first autoML in collaboration with R-project. He currently manages Trendlayze Inc., a fast-growing platform for time series and IoT real-time monitoring.
He has written numerous articles and three books: “Organizational Intelligence: How Smart Companies Use Information to Become More Competitive and Profitable”, “Data-Driven Business Models for the Digital Economy,” and “97 Things about Ethics Everyone in Data Science Should Know.”

Prof. Mitsuo Gen
Director of Ingenium Group, European doctor
Research Institute for Science and Technology, Tokyo University of Science, Japan.
Mitsuo Gen is a Senior Research Scientist at Fuzzy Logic Systems Institute and Visiting Professor at Tokyo University of Science, Japan. He received his PhD degree in Engineering from Kogakuin University in 1974 and the PhD degree in Informatics from Kyoto University in 2006. He was faculties at Ashikaga Institute of Technology for 1974.04-2003.03 and Waseda University for 2003.04- 2010.03. He was visiting faculties at University of California, Berkeley for 1999.08-2000.03, Texas A&M University for 2000.01-03 & 2000.08-09, UNIST for 2010.09-12, Hanyang University for 2010.12-2012.06, and National Tsing Hua University for 2012.03-2014.02. He published several books on Genetic Algorithms with his colleague including “Network Models and Optimization: Multiobjective Genetic Algorithm Approaches”, Springer, London in 2008 and “Introduction to Evolutionary Algorithms”, Springer, London in 2010.

Dr. Zongmin Li
A professor at Business School of Sichuan University
Dr. Zongmin Li is currently a professor at Business School of Sichuan University. She obtained her Ph.D. degree in Management Science and Engineering from Sichuan University, China in 2014. She was a visiting scholar in Drexel University, USA, LeBow College of Business in 2012.9-2013.9. Since 2009, she has served as the managing editor of "International Journal of Management Science and Engineering Management". She published more than 30 SCI/SSCI/EI research papers and a monograph. Her research interests include: Data analysis and decision making, decision making theory and method, uncertain decision making method.
Prof. Mayorkinos Papaelias
Reader in Non-Destructive Testing and Condition Monitoring at the School of Metallurgy
and Materials at the University of Birmingham, UK
Dr. Mayorkinos Papaelias ( is Reader in Non-Destructive Testing and Condition Monitoring at the School of Metallurgy and Materials at the University of Birmingham, UK and currently leads the Non-Destructive Testing and Condition Monitoring Research Group. He has been involved as technical coordinator or scientific consultant in several FP6, FP7 and H2020 collaborative research projects primarily focusing on renewable energy sources and transport. Dr. Papaelias' work has been funded by the European Commission, the Engineering and Physical Sciences Research Council, the National Structural Integrity Research Centre, industry and the UK government. He is also a member of several industrial committees. Dr. Papaelias earned his Ph.D. degree in metallurgy.

Prof. Asaf Hajiyev
Ph.D. of Probability Statistics
National Academy of Sciences of Azerbaijan, AzerbaijanIvey
Professor Hajiyev is an internationally recognized scholar, a graduate of renowned Kolmogorov’s probability school at Lomonosov Moscow State University, where he went from being a student to becoming a professor. Now, he has more than 130 papers, published in the world leading journals. For queues with complicated structure, A. Hajiyev created control theory which by introducing of delays of beginning service allows to improve a service. Besides, he constructed new type of regression models with increasing numbers of unknown parameters, which are typical for applications. He also created the new method for an optimal placement of the letters for Azerbaijani alphabets on a computer keyboard, which has been adopted as a State Standard Placement by Azerbaijan State Agency on Standardization, Metrology and Patents and is used today in the Windows 8.1 and later versions. He is also as authors of Probability and Statistics Encyclopedia in Azerbaijani language.

Prof. Fulya Altiparmak
A Professor at the Department of Industrial Engineering in Gazi University
Prof. Fulya Altiparmak is a Professor at the Department of Industrial Engineering in Gazi University. Dr. Altiparmak received Ph.D. degree in Industrial Engineering from Gazi University. She was a visiting researcher at University of Pittsburgh in USA and visiting fellow at Waseda University in Japan. Dr. Altiparmak’s research interest is Evolutionary Computation, Network Design, Supply Chain Management and Vehicle Routing and Scheduling. Her articles have appeared in European Journal of Operational Research, Computers & Operations Research, IIE Transactions, IEEE Transactions on Reliability, and Computers & Industrial Engineering, among others.